Visiting a Township


7 kommentarer til “Visiting a Township”

  1. fragileheart avatar

    Is that you all the way in the near-bottom right corner? Just wanted to say thanks for letting me advertise on your blog 🙂

  2. Mrs. Mecomber avatar

    Just wanted to say I really enjoy your blog. The photos are wonderful! Thanks for showing me a part of the world I will probably never get to see (but I hope I do, someday).

  3. oyvind avatar

    🙂 nah its not me. I think its one who were relaxing and just watching people go by.

    Thanks Mrs. Mecomber, and you’re welcome. 🙂

  4. Johan avatar

    I really love thos photos! I hope i get the time to visit in the future.. it looks so lovely!


  5. Dizi izle avatar

    Thankyou for this post

  6. marmelade avatar

    that’s unbelievable how uneven is distributed the world’s wealth.

  7. Irene Rose avatar

    nice pic. looks scenic.

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