[lang_en]On saturday in my area this weekend a young guy called the police. He was worried about his father. He told the police that he was locked in, in his room and house, with no food or water. The 60 year old man had been locked in since Friday.
The police went to his house and found the man locked in as the son had reported. And they found out why – his wife found out that he surfed on sites that she didn’t like much and decided to punish him…
Poor guy. 😀 He didn’t file any charges, the policed talked to them and got them on better tracks..
I think I would file a charge… Especially now that the whole world knows what he did this weekend.
[lang_nb-no]En fortvilet sønn ringte politiet denne helgen fra Bodø. Hans far satt innelåst i huset sitt i Fana. Der hadde han sittet siden fredag, uten vann og mat. Politiet rykket ut og fikk vite at han hadde surfet på steder som konen ikke helt likte… Og straffen var inne-låsing..
Politiet så på dette som frihetsberøvelse men mannen ville ikke anmelde konen, da politiet dro var ekteparet venner igjen.
Nå står det ikke spesifisert hva mannen surfet på, men uansett… Er det mulig å ha en så kjip kone?
Tror jeg hadde blitt en smule forbanna.. Konen surfer sikkert på verre steder enn mannen, og sender MMS til venninner som er 10x verre enn det han surfet på.
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