On daddy leave|På pappapermisjon

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I am finally on daddy leave, I’ve been looking forward to this for a long time. Not to get away from work but to spend quality time with my 10 month old daughter. Today we took a long walk, she loves sitting there in the roller and observe the world that surrounds her – cars, people, buses, birds, cats and dogs. When she sees cats or dogs she burst out joyful sounds and want to talk to them. When she once in a while is allowed by the dog owner she pets them gently and smiles wide. Then we move on to our next adventure. She suddenly noticed the shadows she could do when we walked down a hill today, we stopped and had lots of fun with the shadows.

I got 6 weeks daddy leave, and I think I’m going to enjoy every minute of it. I get to be 100% part of these important months, where she explores and expands her knowledge about her functions and suddenly knows how to stand up and walk. That will be a whole new chapter for both her and us – and I will be there.

When I was born my mother had a few weeks off, and my father had nothing. Later they added more weeks to the mother. It kept expanding and suddenly the father got a few weeks too. I had two weeks birth leave (1 obligatory and 1 week vacation). Those weeks were gold to me, it is my first born and I it was a whole new world to me, I was in heaven. 🙂 I still am. Especially when I have 6 weeks to have home-alone-time with the little one. Not only that, my girlfriend has 2 kids, so when she is on work I can spend quality time with them too. Life is good.

Thank you system for being considerate to life and human beings.

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Endelig har jeg pappapermisjon, det har jeg sett frem til lenge. Ikke for å få fri fra jobben men for å være sammen med min 10 måneder gamle datter. I dag gikk vi en lang tur, det elsker hun. Sitter der i vognen sin og observerer verden rundt henne – biler, busser, mennesker, fugler, katter og hunder. Når hun ser en katt eller hund så hyler hun av glede og får lyst til å snakke med dem. Av og til får hun lov til å klappe hunden av eieren, da stryker hun hånden forsiktig gjennom pelsen og gliser. Så går vi videre til et neste eventyr. I dag hadde vi det veldig gøy med skygger, da stoppet vi opp og lagde alle mulige figurer, det koste hun seg med.

Jeg har 6 uker permisjon og jeg tror jeg kommer til å nyte hvert minutt av den. Jeg får være 100% med i disse viktige månedene. Når hun forsker på og utvider sin kunnskap om hva hun kan gjøre med armer og bein – når hun plutselig klarer å reise seg opp og gå. Det blir et helt nytt kapittel for henne og for oss – og jeg er med.

Da jeg ble født hadde min mor kun noen få uker mens min far ikke hadde noen. Senere la de til noen uker. Dette utvidet seg stadig og til slutt fikk pappaen litt også. Jeg hadde to uker fødselspermisjon, det vil si, en uke obligatorisk og så tok jeg en uke ferie. De ukene var gull for meg, det er min første så det var en helt ny verden for meg – en drøm som ble virkelighet. Jeg var i himmelen. Noe jeg fortsatt er. Spesielt når jeg har 6 uker med home-alone-tid men den lille. Ikke bare det, samboeren min har 2 fra før så nå som hun har begynt i arbeid så får jeg mer tid med dem også. Det er herlig. Livet er herlig. 🙂

Takk til det nye systemet, som gjør dette mulig.



9 kommentarer til “On daddy leave|På pappapermisjon”

  1. Patricia avatar

    Lovely that you get this time and even more lovely that you recognize how important it is.

  2. fragileheart avatar

    ‘Daddy leave’ that’s so cute. Glad you’re having a good time with the fam. Hope this means we’ll be seeing you around EC and on here of course 🙂

  3. Eric S. avatar

    Wow, that’s great. Make the most of it, and spend every chance you get with her. Enjoy them and treasure them.

  4. Debbie Lane avatar

    enjoy this precious time, you won’t regret it. They grow so fast.

  5. Milena avatar

    Sigh. I’m a stay at home mother in the US. I would absolutely love it if my husband were able to take daddy leave. When our son was born, he had 1 week off and that only because he took 3 days of his vacation time and was allowed 2 extra days off work. That is just how it is her in the US. In this respect, it is glaringly obvious that Scandinavian countries are way more advanced in the recognition of the importance of family time. More importantly, citizens in these countries seem to be more in tune with what is truly important in life. I’m ever so glad you get to spend this time with your little one. May you enjoy it every minute of the day.

  6. Nicole avatar

    That’s awesome!
    I’m glad for you all:)!

  7. Stuart avatar

    That is awesome to hear, enjoy your Daddy time with your kiddlywink.

  8. Bryan avatar

    Six weeks is nice, enjoy it! I work for my family and had only a day or two off for my son and maybe a week for daughter.

  9. myi4u avatar

    hi there,

    Six weeks is quite a long time but when it reaches the end, you will most probably feel that it is shorter than you thought.

    For me, I would normally take a long weekend off unless I am going on a holiday somewhere else.

    Hope you enjoy your time and have a great day everyday.

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