My 2008|Mitt 2008

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My 2008 was kind of the year of the blogs where I’ve had fun writing on several blogs, splitted them, created new ones and enjoying testing themes and plugins. Sometimes I enjoyed modifiying the blogs more than writing, it could go weeks between the posts but I worked on them every day. 🙂

I joined many networking systems in January and instantly discovered great blogs that I still visit, I’ve met a lot of nice people and I have learned about several fun systems. Blogging became my favourite hobby.

A lot of changes occured on my blog in 2008, 76% of the visitors use Firefox, 48% of the visitors are from USA, the most popular search term that lead users here was königsegg, boshendal and lidl.

I wish you a pleasant celebration of the new year!

My favourite blogs in 2008 :

FragileheartBen BardenFantasy BaseballKen Armstrongnice2allTurnipahkongeyespiglamwisdomrealtorevanThe Junk Drawerorangeinksamyoopspeterkorkalamtmdnicole
[/fusion_builder_column][fusion_builder_column type=»1_1″ background_position=»left top» background_color=»» border_size=»» border_color=»» border_style=»solid» spacing=»yes» background_image=»» background_repeat=»no-repeat» padding=»» margin_top=»0px» margin_bottom=»0px» class=»» id=»» animation_type=»» animation_speed=»0.3″ animation_direction=»left» hide_on_mobile=»no» center_content=»no» min_height=»none»][lang_nb-no]
Mitt 2008 ble på en måte bloggens år for meg hvor jeg har hatt det veldig gøy og skrevet på flere blogger, splittet dem og laget nye og testet design og plugins. Av og til har jeg hatt mer glede av å modifisere bloggene mine enn å skrive i dem, av og til gikk det lang tid mellom hver post men jeg jobbet likevel på dem hver dag. 🙂

Jeg ble medlem av mange nettverkssystemer i januar og oppdaget mange flotte blogger som jeg fremdeles besøker ofte. Jeg har møtt mange flotte mennesker der ute og det har vært spennende å se utviklingen på nettet. Blogging ble mer og mer en hobby for meg i 2008.

Mange endringer begynte i 2008 på bloggen min, 76% av besøkende bruker nå Firefox, 48% av alle besøkende er fra USA og de mest populære søketreffene på bloggen min i 2008 var königsegg, boshendal og lidl. Leserne mine kommer nå fra 65 forskjellige land, det er ny rekord for meg. Det blir spennende å se hva 2009 bringer.

Jeg ønsker dere en fredelig nyttårsfeiring!

Mine favorittblogger i 2008 :

FragileheartBen BardenFantasy BaseballKen Armstrongnice2allTurnipahkongeyespiglamwisdomrealtorevanThe Junk Drawerorangeinksamyoopspeterkorkalamtmdnicole


13 kommentarer til “My 2008|Mitt 2008”

  1. Ohio Realtor avatar

    I made your list!

    I know you love real estate in Ohio… but wow. Atrais, you’re one of my favorite people on the Internet, seriously. I hope to know you into the coming year and many to follow… If you ever need anything on my end, I’m always here. Happy new year!

    Ohio Realtor’s last blog post..Our Sold Homes in 2008 – A Year In Review

  2. StanHayes avatar

    Hey, these were my favorite blogs!

    Great New Year to you too, Weird Oh.

    Maybe it’s the new year, but I’m feeling nostalgic. Can we get all of these schmoes to come to

    StanHayes’s last blog post..Fantasy Baseball Team Names Generator

  3. nicole avatar

    Dear Oyvind,

    First, thanks so much for including MG in your list — I feel very honored! 🙂

    And, of course, the new year beckons to be greeted, so I wish you and your family a happy, healthy, productive 2009!



  4. Lyndi avatar

    I also had a fun-filled ‘blogging’ year in 2008, hope this continues into the new year. Hope you and yours have a great 2009. Thanks for the link.

    Lyndi’s last blog post..The Year Ends on a High Note

  5. oyvind avatar

    Thanks guys. 🙂 I look forward to follow you in the new year and future. 🙂

  6. Nicole avatar

    Thanks for having me on your list 🙂
    And I love to visit your blog every time you post, especially with your pictures!

    Lidl as in the supermarket lidl?

    I quit entrecard. It’s just too much for me to keep up with 🙁

    1. oyvind avatar

      I had some problems finding your 125×125 from earlier so I used the small one. Have a link to your 125x? 😀

      Yup Lidl as the supermarket Lidl, I wrote about Lidl earlier when they tried starting up in Norway.

  7. Nicole avatar

    P.S.: Happy New Year 🙂

    Nicole’s last blog post..Snow fun

  8. Kathy avatar

    Wow! I made your list! Thank you, I’m honored. I had a bit of a bad start to 2009. My blog was hacked.How wonderful for me. But I’m up and running again and things are OK. Hoping that means I got all my bad luck out of the way for the year 🙂

    Kathy’s last blog post..Preparing for an Avalanche

  9. Louie avatar

    I’m very flattered and honored to be included in your list zero. Have a great 2009 and all the best to everyone. Cheers!!! 😀

  10. Canucklehead avatar

    I’ll go ahead and assume I was number 19 then. Happy New Year and all the best. CHEERS!

  11. Margaret avatar

    Aww. Thanks, Oyvind! I appreciate the link love for sure! Yours is one of my favorites as well!


    Margaret’s last blog post..Which Watch?

  12. fragileheart avatar

    Awh you sweetheart, you put me first! I’m sorry I haven’t been around to notice but believe me I’ve noticed and I love ya for it!

    fragileheart’s last blog post..Monday Madness: The bucket list meme

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