Now figuring out a way back to the hotel|Nå må jeg finne tilbake til hotellet
2. juli 2009
I always like a good commuting challenge. Stockholm was easy to figure out, great system.
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Tags: Nokia_LifeblogPhotoblog
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Håper du fant tilbake til hotellet. Er egentlig sikker på at du klarte det 🙂 Om det var meg derimot ville jeg nok framdeles ha vandret forvirret rundt 🙂 Det var den retningssansen jeg ikke fikk utlevert…. Jeg fikk nok gullfiskalternativet..
.-= Festus og Lillepus´s last blog ..Softismaskinen på IKEA -en ordentlig humørspreder:) =-.
Ja det gikk veldig bra. 🙂
Nå skal jeg snart komme meg til Arlanda og ta fly hjem – endelig ferie! 🙂
hi Øyvind,
I like your post title “Now figuring out a way back to the hotel” and the picture of the train tracks! Too funny.
I just looked through all your Stockholm pictures. Thanks for the memories. I was there about 8 years ago. Great city. Have you heard about the lemur exhibit? If I remember correctly, somewhere in the city, there are huge enclosures (cages) you can walk through and the lemurs will come up to you and sometimes even hop on your head! It was an awesome experience. ~ Steve, the trade show guru
.-= Steve, trade show guru´s last blog ..Does Blogging Regularity Matter? =-.