Stikkord: fyrverkeri

  • New Year’s Eve rockets scared the dog Leon off|Nyttårsraketter skremte hunden Leon til fjells.

    New Year’s Eve rockets scared the dog Leon off|Nyttårsraketter skremte hunden Leon til fjells.

    [lang_en]leonOn New Year’s Eve around 15:30 the dog Leon got scared by a rocket and ran off. He even climbed a fence. His Owners yelled for hours and on tuesday they heard barking from the mountain side. They couldn’t localize him but suddenly a neighbour sighted Leon on a mountainshelf about 350 meter above. The difficult mountainside prohibit them to rescue Leon and now their only hope is help from the Norwegian Air Ambulance.

    But this is expencive and the owners will try to start a collect, if not – they are willing to sell their house to rescue him.

    Link to the article (Norwegian)

    Isn’t this sad? Next year it wont be allowed to send up rockets in Norway but we are still allowed to fire up base fireworks. Which in my opinion is worse than rockets.

    What irritates me more is the stupid *ducks* base jumpers who get rescued for free each time they land on a shelf. [/lang_en]
    [lang_nb-no]LeonI syv dager nå har lille Leon vært borte etter at han ble skremt av raketter på nyttårsaften.

    Nå hører de bjeffing fra en fjellhylle over Myklebust i Oldedalen (Stryn). Fjellhyllen ligger på rundt 350 meter over havet men terrenget er for vanskelig til å komme seg opp til Leon.

    Nå håper de å få hjelp fra Luftambulansen. Eierne vil prøve kronerulling men selger gjerne huset for å redde hunden.

    Les mer på BT : Link til artikkel

    Min første tanke var at om dette hadde vært en basehopper i nød så hadde vedkommende fått hjelp med en gang..