[fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=»yes» overflow=»visible»][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=»1_1″ background_position=»left top» background_color=»» border_size=»» border_color=»» border_style=»solid» spacing=»yes» background_image=»» background_repeat=»no-repeat» padding=»» margin_top=»0px» margin_bottom=»0px» class=»» id=»» animation_type=»» animation_speed=»0.3″ animation_direction=»left» hide_on_mobile=»no» center_content=»no» min_height=»none»][lang_en]The weather were great today so we decided to visit Fløyfjellet (Fløy Mountain) today, its one of Bergen’s 7 mountains surrounding our city. We packed our bags with lunch and hot chocolate – we had a vote if we should take the funicular up or down, this time we went up with it and walked down. 🙂
It was a great trip, we spent some time in the Troll forest greeting the wide selection of trolls, climbed some bridges and visited a few playhouses. Can you spot the troll-faces on this photo?
Sorry about the quality on these ones, my camera acted weird in the special light, wish I had a real camera.
Beklager kvaliteten på disse, mobilkameraet oppførte seg litt rart i det spesielle lyset, skulle ønske jeg hadde et skikkelig speilrefleks kamera.