Leon rescued.|Leon ble reddet.

[lang_en]This morning Leon were rescued by the Norwegian Air Ambulance. They were supposed to train today but when they heard about Leon they decided to train in the area were Leon was and rescue him.

[lang_nb-no]Tidligere i dag ble Leon reddet av Norsk Luftambulanse. De skulle egentlig trene i dag men da de hørte om Leon så bestemte de seg for å trene i fjellhyllen hvor Leon befant seg. Fantastisk.



3 kommentarer til “Leon rescued.|Leon ble reddet.”

  1. Ren B avatar

    Hey Oyvind, thanks for visiting my blog 🙂

    And thanks for the links too! The photographies by Didier Massard are incredibly beautiful! I’ll search more of/about them. The drawings gallery is also very nice, I love those mindtwisters! 😛

    And of course: it’s good that Leon is back! 😀

  2. stormwhistle avatar

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  3. Nicole in Kuwait avatar
    Nicole in Kuwait

    Poor pooch!
    I’m glad they could get him!

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