Inventions I miss|Oppfinnelser jeg savner


When I was a kid I expected to be driving flying cars by now so I am a bit disappointed. I mean, I like my Toyota, it has a fancy speedometer in the midle of the dashboard and stuff but its not really what I imagined when I dreamed of year 2000 in the 80s. I also pictured that all roads were beneath the ground to make room for all the parks. But that is a different story.

I know there are flying cars, but seeing how people drive on roads I’m not sure I would dare going outside if everyone had one. If the crafts weren’t fully automized that is. To compensate my loss of dreams coming through I at least expect that someone invented cool stuff like :

– Temperature gauge (the ones you stick in steaks to eh steak) with bluetooth! So you can monitor what you steak on your PC. Or better, so you can monitor it on your television which have bluetooth. Or cellphone! (I hereby call this iTemperatureIT just to annoy Apple in the future)

– A software on a machine that has a GPRS/3G card and a Sim which makes a video conference call to you and transmits any program that you have programmed it to send to you. You know, when you’re in that dull 3-hour meeting? Just set your home-PC to call you at 11:05 when the match begins at TV94 and you can see it on your cellphone, beautiful. (I hereby call this iTransmit2You just to annoy Apple in the future)

Any inventions that you miss?

Da jeg var liten forventet jeg at vi kjørte i flygende biler nå så jeg er litt skuffet. Jeg mener, jeg liker Toyotaen min, den har et fancy speedometer i midten av dashbordet og greier men det var ikke akkurat det jeg så for meg når jeg drømte om år 2000 på 80-tallet. Jeg så også for meg at alle veier var under jorden for å lage plass til alle parkene, men det er en annen historie.

Jeg vet det finnes flygende biler, men når jeg ser hvordan folk kjører på veiene så er jeg ikke så sikker på om jeg hadde turt å gå utenfor om alle hadde en slik. Om de ikke var helautomatisk da. Så, for å kompansere mitt tap av drømmer så føler jeg at de i de minste burde finne opp ting som :

– Temperaturmåler (for steking i ovn) med bluetooth! Så kan man følge med på PC hvor langt steken har kommet. Eller bedre, så kan du følge med temperaturen på TV’en som har bluetooth. Eller mobilen! (Jeg kaller herved denne for iTarTempen for å irritere Apple i fremtiden)

– Programvare på en maskin med GPRS/3G-kort og et simkort som gjør et video-anrop til deg og sender hvilket som helst program som du har bestemt på forhånd. Du vet, når du sitter i et kjedelig 3-timers møte? Bare programmer hjemmePC’en til å ringe deg når møtet starter, for å sende deg fotballkampen på TV94 til mobilen din, lekkert! (Jeg kaller herved denne for iSendernTilDeg for å irritere Apple i fremtiden)

Noen oppfinnelser du savner?


5 kommentarer til “Inventions I miss|Oppfinnelser jeg savner”

  1. Ren B avatar

    Well, in the 80’s, all I could dream was another great food by my mother or a lesson of soccer by my father. Life was great when I was 3.

    But I do miss something that could alter the weather in huge locations. I mean, HUGE locations. I’d love to get Brazil a bit cooler on Summer. Maybe a bit cooler on Winter too (love low temperatures!). Maybe some titanic air conditioning system.

    Hey… I remember of something else called «titanic».

    Okay, leave that alone.

  2. Schubsta avatar

    Yeah, when I was young my teacher used to say: in the year 2000 everyone will have a robot and houses will be sentient. Eh? No robot maidens I still have to do my vacuuming myself. What I miss the most about the 80´s is a tv-series called «Captain Future». Boy I loved that.

  3. Nicole avatar

    Yepp, flying cars would be scary.
    I would be out of Kuwait in a heartbeat for sure.
    They are already maniacs without those wings 😉

    Steaks, you lost me on that one 😉

    The call, yeah, pretty neat idea 😀

    I told hubby this morning that I think we didn’t really invent much greatness in the last few decades.
    I mean, come on, most of is was just polish up work and making thinks faster and whatnot.
    But something really new?

  4. oyvind avatar

    I agree Nicole, where is the great inventions?

    Steaks, what is it called? Help me! lol Like when you put a huge steak in the oven and need to know when its done, you can put a gaget in it which displays the temperature, but then you have to take it out to read it. Often one loose good temperature in oven when you do that. 🙂

    Btw I am so glad Google stopped (today) displaying christmas-ads on my blog. *celebrates*

  5. Larry avatar

    Beam me up Scottie/a transported would be great.

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