Telenor in Norway sued G.W. Bush|Telenor saksøkte Bush

[lang_en]Sat phone

While preparing invasion of Iraq The US Marine Corps had to borrow a lot of advanced equipment from Norway. Among the equipment were 25 advanced laser target systems and measure systems. This became an embarrassed incident in Norway but its mostly forgotten.

Now however a new incident has come to our attention, at the same time US Marine Corps borrowed equipment from Norway US AID as well needed to borrow advanced communication equipment from the Norwegian company Telenor. They needed to test flow of information in humanitarian operations and find areas to improve.

But US AID never reached their targets due to combat operations and transferred the Norwegian equipment to The US Army. Telenor in Norway were not asked about this transfer and this was the root of the argument.

Soldiers made 4905 calls and surfed the net 2349 times during 31 days, most of the traffic were between soldiers and families/friends. The phone bill : over a half a million dollar. Telenor sent the phone bill to The US Army but they got it back, no one wanted to pay the bill. Telenor sued The US Army but had no luck getting through.

A few days ago the two parts agreed to a secret settlement, no one want to comment the incident.

Sources :
Sat phone

I forbindelse med invasjonen av Irak måtte de Amerikanske styrkene låne utstyr fra Norge. 25 avanserte lasersystemer og avanserte målesystemer. Dette ble i sin tid en betent sak men den er stort sett glemt.

Nå har det dukket opp en lignende sak i samme tidsrom, på samme tid som Norge lånte ut laserutstyr så lånte Telenor ut gratis satellittutstyr til US AID. US AID skulle teste flyt av kommunikasjon under humanitære aksjoner og finne områder hvor man kunne forbedre dette.

Men US AID kom seg aldri ut til det bestemte område pga kamper og overførte det norske utstyret til US Army. Telenor i Norge ble aldri spurt om dette var greit og dette var roten av konflikten.

Soldater ringte 4905 ganger og surfet på nettet i 2349 timer i løpet av 31 dager, det meste av trafikken var mellom soldater og familie/venner. Telefonregningen : over 2.76 millioner kroner. Telenor sendte regning til US Army men fikk den pent i retur, ingen var villig til å betale regningen. Til slutt saksøkte Telenor dem men kom ingen vei.

For noen dager siden inngikk de to partene et hemmelig forlik, ingen av dem ønsker å kommentere hendelsen.

Kilder :



6 kommentarer til “Telenor in Norway sued G.W. Bush|Telenor saksøkte Bush”

  1. Frank J avatar

    I say take the Bush to the cleaners!

  2. Stuart avatar

    A half a million dollar phone bill… that is unbelievably high… I had never considered the phone and communications bills of an army in a different country but… DAMN that is outrageous LOL makes my $100 a month look like nothing.

  3. Ren avatar

    Just get Bush in the army. You know, like front line. 🙂

  4. oyvind avatar

    hehe I think Bush was only part time in some National Guard, I don’t think he is trained to be a soldier. 🙂

  5. Nishadha avatar

    Bush isn’t trained to do anything ,other than give stupid remarks 🙂

  6. Bay Martin avatar

    What a shameful act! To run away from your responsibilities is a big NO!

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