Car branding|Reklame på bilen din

[lang_en]When you buy a car, do you ponder about the ads on it? The carbrand itself and all the stickers and text here and there? How much do you get for it? What is the value?

You get nothing? The carbrand itself I understand, but why do we let the ones who earn billions on us use us as free advertisers? I’ve sent a few questions to some organisations where I’ve asked if they want to advertise on my car, for free. If anyone does I’m gonna rip off the ads from the company I bought the car from and replace them.

I’d like to rip off the carbrand itself as well, I don’t get any money from Toyota so why should I drive around showing off their product? It would be fun to find a cool sign to put there instead, I’m not sure how the police will react though. They use it actively when they are reporting or following cars, I can here them on the radio following me ; «we’re following eh uh silver postman pat vehicle, brand is eh batman? It seem to be sponsored by eh SOS Children?».

Maybe I should go for an Entrecard spot on my car? hehe

Just a thought.
Når du kjøper bil, tenker du noen gang over all reklamen på den? Selve bilmerke, klistremerker og tekst her og der? Hvor mye får du får det? Hva er verdien av det?

Får du ingen ting? Bilmerke i seg selv er greit nok, men hvorfor lar vi dem som tjener millioner på oss få bruke oss som reklameskilt på 4 hjul? Jeg har sendt ut noen mailer til noen organisasjoner hvor jeg spør om de vil annonsere gratis på bilen min. Om noen melder seg så skal jeg rive bort reklamen og gladelig lime på de nye.

Jeg skulle likt å fjernet selve bilmerke, jeg får jo ikke penger fra Toyota så hvorfor skal jeg kjøre rundt og reklamere for produktet deres? Det hadde vært artig å finne et stilig ikon eller tegn istedet, jeg er ikke sikker på hvordan politiet hadde reagert. De bruker jo bilmerker aktivt når de kommuniserer med hverandre. Jeg synes jeg hører dem ; «vi følger etter en eh sølvaktig postman Pat bil, merket er eh bat man? Den ser ut til å være sponset av SOS Barnebyer?».

Bare en tanke.


5 kommentarer til “Car branding|Reklame på bilen din”

  1. Nairobian Perspective avatar
    Nairobian Perspective

    thats an interesting way to look at things

  2. Debbie Lane avatar

    I feel the same way about clothing with designer labels on it. I love the thought of putting my own labels on cars though. Oh wait, think what proud grandparents might do, ugh!

  3. Gary R. Hess avatar

    A lot of people don’t seem to like advertising.. but I love it. If I could get a company to pay me enough money to put a logo on my car, and for me to never have to worry about gas/making payments on the car… hell yes I would do it. I mean, really what inconvenience does that have? None. Except whining people who don’t want to see ads, but screw them. It isn’t really hurting them in any way.

  4. Tom avatar

    @ Debbie: My thoughts exactly. It’s amazing that we pay the brands to do their advertising for them.

  5. avatar

    I find the majority of people choose their car based on «branding». Brand loyalship means alot these days, which is why folks by Mercedes-Benz… you think it’s for quality? Lol.

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