[fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=»yes» overflow=»visible»][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=»1_1″ background_position=»left top» background_color=»» border_size=»» border_color=»» border_style=»solid» spacing=»yes» background_image=»» background_repeat=»no-repeat» padding=»» margin_top=»0px» margin_bottom=»0px» class=»» id=»» animation_type=»» animation_speed=»0.3″ animation_direction=»left» hide_on_mobile=»no» center_content=»no» min_height=»none»][lang_en]My blogs have been down all weekend because of a messed up Windows 2003 server. I struggled getting the webserver up and today I gave up. The disks are gone as well. Luckily I had Mysql-backup so I setup up an Ubuntu-server in a hurry with Apache and Mysql. I managed to save most of my files and now my blogs are up again! Running Linux! If you find any errors please holler.[/lang_en]
[/fusion_builder_column][fusion_builder_column type=»1_1″ background_position=»left top» background_color=»» border_size=»» border_color=»» border_style=»solid» spacing=»yes» background_image=»» background_repeat=»no-repeat» padding=»» margin_top=»0px» margin_bottom=»0px» class=»» id=»» animation_type=»» animation_speed=»0.3″ animation_direction=»left» hide_on_mobile=»no» center_content=»no» min_height=»none»][lang_nb-no]Bloggene mine har vært nede hele helgen pga en gåen windows 2003 server. Jeg har strevet i helgen med å få opp serveren men i dag gav jeg opp. Diskene har gått’an også.. Heldigvis hadde jeg en backup av Mysql så jeg satte opp en Ubuntu-server i full fart med Apache og Mysql. Nå klarte jeg også å redde de fleste filene så nå er bloggene mine oppe igjen! Og endelig er jeg på Linux! Gir dere meg en lyd om dere kommer borti noen feilmeldinger?[/lang_nb-no]
New Platform!|Ny Platform!

7 kommentarer til “New Platform!|Ny Platform!”
welcome back, you were missed!
Thank you Debbie! 🙂
Lovely photos! Looks like you had a wonderful trip.
I’d wondered where you went to. Welcome back. I enjoy your blog.
Welcome back, good to see your site back up again 🙂
I’ve been using and evangelizing GNU/Linux since 1995. I’m glad to hear of yet another success story. Keep up the great work on this outstanding blog! Peace.
Hi Tim thanks for visiting! Yeah its heaven compared to windows. I’ve had some difficulties though with the «log rolling». Every day it crashed my Apache2. I’ve worked it almost out and its only crashing each monday now.. 🙂
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