Made in China|Laget i Kina

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I think we need to have Argus’ eyes on products made in China. Right now over 13000 babys are in danger of loosing their life because of melamine tainted milk powder. Over 6500 infants have developed kidney stone. Melamine were added illegally to make protein content of milk appear higher than it actually is. 4 infants is dead but we’ve only seen the litle top of the ice berg. Remember the same happening in 2004? They never learn.

Melamine have also been detected in ordinary milk as well now.

Melamine was linked to deaths and illness of thousands of cats and dogs in the US last year after it was added to pet food components exported from China.

This is not the first scandal in China, were products were tampered with to make more money.

A firm in Jiangsu Province and another in Shandong Province together exported more than 1,300 tons of contaminated wheat protein to the US.

A chemical called TD-glycerin, which should be used only for industrial purposes, found its way into a cough syrup.

Pet food – tainted with chemical melamine

Toothpaste – tainted with chemical diethylene glycol and bacteria

Farmed fish – traces of banned drugs and pesticides found

Tyres – fault may cause blow-outs

Toys – contain lead or pose choking hazard

Children’s jewellery – contains lead

Ceramic heaters – pose fire safety risk

The list goes on an on. Most stories doesn’t leave China, but these got through. We all are importing goods from China, because its cheap. When will we have to stop the madness by boycotting China, who has the nerve? Noone if you ask me.
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Jeg synes vi bør har Argus øyne på produkter laget i Kina. Akkurat nå er over 13000 babyer i fare for å omkomme eller bli skadet for livet pga melamin i erstatningsmelk. Over 6500 barn har utviklet nyresten. Stoffet ble lagt til ulovlig for gi inntrykk av at produktet inneholdt mer protein enn det gjør. 4 barn har omkommet til nå men jeg tror vi kun har sett en liten topp av isberget. Husker du at det samme skjedde i 2004? De lærer aldri!

Melamin er også oppdaget i vanlig melk.

Melamin ble knyttet til dødsfall og sykdom for tusenvis av katter og hunder i USA i fjor, etter at stoffet ble tilsatt dyrefor-komponenter.

Dette er ikke den første skandalen i Kina, hvor produkter blir trikset med for å tjene mer penger.

Et firma i Jiangsu-provinsen og et annet i Shandong-provinsen eksporterte til sammen 13000 tonn med forurenset hveteprotein til USA.

Et stoff kalt TD-glycerin, som kun var for indistruelle formål, fant veien til hostesaft.

Dyremat – Forurenset av melamin.

Tannpasta – Forurenset av kjemisk diethylen glycol og bakterier.

Oppdrettsfisk – Inneholdt mengder av forbudte stoffer

Dekk – Triksing med produktet medførte eksplosjoner.

Leker – inneholder bly og hadde kvelefare.

Barnesmykker – Inneholdt bly.

Keramiske plater – brannfarlige.

Listen fortsetter i det uendelige, de fleste historiene blir dysset ned i Kina men noen kommer gjennom. Vi er alle med på å importere varer fra Kina, fordi det er billig. Når klarer vi å stoppe galskapen og boykotte Kina? Hvem tør? Ingen spør du meg.


6 kommentarer til “Made in China|Laget i Kina”

  1. oyvind avatar

    The numbers of babies affected are now 53000! 🙁

  2. Tom avatar

    Food products in Japan are not recently safe either, but they are mostly sold in Japan.

  3. Beamer avatar

    That is some pretty crazy and very scary stuff.

    Nice Post.


  4. Health Nut avatar

    Yah, Singapore’s shelves are emptying like crazy because all products made in China with dairy in them (creamers, biscuits, ice cream etc.) also might have melamine.

    China seriously needs to clean up its act- but let’s face it- it’s not as if the US, European, and other International companies are not aware of what is happening. They are allowing it to happen for the sake of the buck as well. New Zealand company which owns 49% of Sanlu knew about the contamination since March and did nothing! As for the products you mentioned, especially the toys, the manufacturers are all US companies who approved the designs and plastics.

    So let’s not just blame the Chinese- although they are in large part to blame. The governance on all levels is horrendous!

  5. Evra avatar

    I feel so sorry for all those parents who have sick babies. I’m not sure if they have class action lawsuits in China but I would hope the parents can sue for medical costs at least.

  6. free wii avatar
    free wii

    I just don’t understand why google would need to do that. really, is there any point? I have read elsewhere that it still passes PR juice around? Anybody have an answer?

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