My favourite song|Favorittsangen min

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I was listening to the Norwegian radiostation P3 the other day and there was an interview with Ingrid Olava, a great singer who grew up in Lillehammer, Norway. She was asked to sing her version of “Her kommer vintern” (Here comes the winter) live, one of my favorite songs written by Joachim Nielsen in Jokke og Valentinerne. He died in 1997 of an overdose. My first thought were “good luck on going for such a great tune” and I hoped she didn’t ruin it, know the feeling?

She sat down at the piano and played this live, for me the song got a new life, I love this version. Here it is but it is in Norwegian. Do you still like it? I found a nice translation of the lyrics.

Here comes the winter, by Joachim Nielsen
Are you the kind of person who never gets a tan, and who neve really bother trying either.

Are you looked upon as a boring coward, cause you mainly avoid going for a swim

Do you have problems being around annoyingly optimistic people?, well, you’re not alone, we are lots who feel the same way

Are you the kind who likes to sit, sit inside and drink some beer, when the sun shines. Are you the type with a weakness for sports, but only on screens, and only when WE’re winning!!

Then you have problems, according to the Peanut-Brain Association , but youre not alone, we are many who feel the same..

People, I have some news for you, I must ask for the greatest silence, the wait is finally over, There’s gonna be snowfall tonight!

Here comes the winter, here comes the cold, wonderful time
Here comes the winter. Finally we can chill

Are you annoyed by people who’s always looking to impress?, If you got a fridge and a TV, then you have all it takes to live.

Here comes the winter, here comes the cold, wonderful time
Here comes the winter. Finally we can chill

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Jeg hørte på P3 her om dagen, et intervju med Ingrid Olava hvor hun ble spurt om å spille “Her kommer vintern” av Joachim Nielsen i Jokke og Valentinerne. “Lykke til” tenkte jeg og håpet på at hun ikke ødela sangen totalt. Men det gjorde hun ikke, versjonen hennes er nydelig. Jeg prøvde noen dager å finne den på nettet og så plutselig dukket den opp på YouTube. Må bare dele den her i tilfelle du gikk glipp av den.


Øyvind Lasse Høysæter

Born in 1971, fell in love with computing in 1983 because of Sinclair's masterpieces. Continued on the magic surrounding the C64, Amiga and moved to the PC world in 1990. Loves science fiction, programming, astronomy, my family and my job. (developer) :)

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8 Responses

  1. Margaret sier:

    Ah — how lovely! I didn’t need words to enjoy this! Thanks Oyvind!

  2. sondre sier:

    likte bloggen din!

    svar: ja, helt sikker. hvordan det?

  3. Vebjørn sier:

    Litt seint ute her, Øyvind – Ingrid Olava har spelt den lenge på radioen, men du skal ha for at du har fått den med deg! Fin blogg – kjem innom igjen! 😉

  4. Guttu sier:

    I am visiting your blog after long time. Nice template.

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