Woman in birth denied swearing|Må fødende banne?

[fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=»yes» overflow=»visible»][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=»1_1″ background_position=»left top» background_color=»» border_size=»» border_color=»» border_style=»solid» spacing=»yes» background_image=»» background_repeat=»no-repeat» padding=»» margin_top=»0px» margin_bottom=»0px» class=»» id=»» animation_type=»» animation_speed=»0.3″ animation_direction=»left» hide_on_mobile=»no» center_content=»no» min_height=»none»][lang_en]banningI read in Norwegian newspapers today that a woman were told to stop swearing while having birth. ‘To lie there and call for the devil will only cause you more pain, and then you deserve a rough birth. But if you like, we can rather turn to someone else and pray to Him together, then this might go well’ the midwife had uttered.

I am a man and can’t imagine how painful a birth is, I’m not sure if I even want to think about it.

But I do understand why women swear, I understand that it won’t help to holler ‘oh darn’ instead – I think women need something powerful to utter, right?

Now this midwife has all rights to say that she doesn’t like swearing, I can fully support that. But the way she did it is unforgivable – she destroyed an event that were supposed to be beautiful. Painful but beautiful. The woman giving birth were scared and didn’t open her mouth again during birth – that is sad.

People in Norway have split opinions on this, most is annoyed by the midwife’s behavior but some are defending the midwife. Christians have later today come out and asked for understanding, that they get sad when people swear. I respect that, but I don’t respect people judging others. If the midwife can’t take some swearing she has the wrong job if you ask me. Do you agree?

What right did that midwife have to judge the woman and scaring her by saying the birth won’t go well if she continues to swear?

The midwife has been reported and hopefully she will lose her job.

Today (March 23 2010) it was finally announced that this midwife has lost her authorization, good riddance I think.

Links to the articles, only in Norwegian though, I tried Google translate but that was a joke :


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[/lang_en][/fusion_builder_column][fusion_builder_column type=»1_1″ background_position=»left top» background_color=»» border_size=»» border_color=»» border_style=»solid» spacing=»yes» background_image=»» background_repeat=»no-repeat» padding=»» margin_top=»0px» margin_bottom=»0px» class=»» id=»» animation_type=»» animation_speed=»0.3″ animation_direction=»left» hide_on_mobile=»no» center_content=»no» min_height=»none»][lang_nb-no]banningEr å banne når man føder en rett? Jeg har aldri født så kan ikke forestille meg hvilke smerter en kvinne har, men jeg har en viss idè. Hadde jeg bedt min samboer om å heller si ‘oida, dette var vondt’, eller ‘jøje meg dette var smerter du..’ så tror jeg at jeg hadde fått en på trynet. Jordmødre har all rett til å ikke like banning, men det er trist når de går for langt.

Hvilken rett hadde jordmoren å skremme den stakkars damen? Det er det som irriterer meg i denne saken. Hvilken rett har hun til å si at fødelsen kommer til å gå dårlig om hun ikke slutter å banne? Denne jordmoren er i feilt yrke spør du meg. Det er mange jordmødre som ikke liker banning, men de fordømmer ikke andre kvinner av den grunn. Tenk å få ødelagt en fødsel på denne måten, den stakkers damen turte jo ikke å si et ord mer. Når en jordmor kan prestere å si som hun gjorde så er det ikke godt å si hva annet det mennesket kan finne på, jeg forstår godt at hun ble redd.

Om en jordmor absolutt ikke takler banning og vil absolutt jobbe som jordmor, kan de ikke heller snakket litt med folk og fortelle om sitt problem på forhånd? Så kan man si ‘nei, jeg vil ikke ha deg i nærheten av meg når jeg føder’, eller ‘jeg skal prøve så godt jeg kan å ikke banne så jævlig.’.

Oppdatering : Nå er den samme jordmoren i ny trøbbel, les mer her : VG

Oppdatering: I dag ble det endelig gjort kjent at jordmoren har mistet sin autorisasjon, det var på tide – synd at det tar såpass lang tid. VG.

Lenker til artiklene :


Quickbabynames – Meaning of Names, Baby Names and their Origins


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12 kommentarer til “Woman in birth denied swearing|Må fødende banne?”

  1. Grenseløs avatar

    Jordmoren burde ha blitt tvunget til å gjenta sekshundre ganger: JEG SKAL ALDRI MER TERRORISERE FØDENDE MØDRE.

    Grenseløs’s last blog post..Big Brother arbeidsgiver kan lese din private epost

  2. Debbie Lane avatar

    Amazing. I understand being offended by swearing, however, I am more offended by the midwife’s judgment. When going through an event like giving birth, the mother needs all the reassurance and comfort she can be given. I am afraid I would have told the midwife where to go and how to get there!

    Debbie Lane’s last blog post..Things Can Only Get Better!

  3. Grace avatar

    I am a midwife and this midwife should leave her job immediately. How dare she torture this woman with her narrowminded beliefs? I don’t like swearing either but I do it sometimes if I get a bad shock for example. What this so-called midwife did was a lot worse than swearing. She took advantage of a woman’s pain to force her religious views on her and a time when it was her job to support the mother during the pain of giving birth. To then imply that the birth could go badly is a mental abuse that must beg the question-does this midwife suffer from some kind of mental illness. The mother and father should be given compensation and the midwife should be fined and fired. As she also did not follow protokol and fill out the partogram or read the previous birthing history of this woman, it seems to me that she did not do her job anyway. The ordeal this mother and partner have been put through can cause lasting trauma and make any future births into a terribel ordeal. I am shocked by this midwife and it beggers belief that she is still allowed to work. Shame on the health sector!

  4. Marie avatar

    Jeg er troende selv, og har födt fire av mine barn på et sjukehus som er tjukt av frikirkefolk.
    Jeg har verken hört eller lest om noe lignenede.
    Maken til uprofesjonell oppförsel!
    Dessverre sper det bare på mytene om kristne.
    ‘Alle’ kommer til å huske denne ene, mens ingen vet om de tusenvis av profesjonelle kristne jordmödre som finns på våre födeavdelninger.

    Marie’s last blog post..Baka muffins

  5. Lyndi avatar

    As a mother I can tell you that if this had happened to me at the time of giving birth, I would not only have continued swearing, I would have grabbed that midwife and throttled the daylights out of her. A person like that should be banned from doing any work that entails interacting with others.

    Lyndi’s last blog post..It’s theme time again

  6. I avatar

    Fy søren, har aldri hørt noe så tilbakestående i mitt liv. Under en fødsel kan en kvinne banne så mye hun trenger! Finnes ikke noen regler på sånt. Hun kan også kreve alt annet hun måtte behøve synes jeg. Er du SÅ troende jobber du enten i kirken eller så holder du kjeft.

  7. stine magdalena avatar
    stine magdalena

    helt enig!!!dette er det mest tåpelige jeg har hørt på lenge!!!!jeg fødte selv for 8mnd siden og da var det både fan og helvete!!!!med slike smerter så vet man jo nesten ikke ha som kommer ut av sin egen munn!!!hadde jeg ligget der med veer sammens med den jordmora,da hadde hun jaggu fått seg en strak høyre!

  8. Steve, trade show guru avatar

    hi Øyvind,
    Crazy story. I would let a woman giving birth say anything she wants!
    Your post reminds me about another story on a Norwegian swearing… actually, it was Santa, and he didn’t swear, but somebody thought he did.
    If you don’t mind, the link to the story is:
    ~ Steve, the trade show guru

    Steve, trade show guru’s last blog post..Trade Show Zombies

  9. Hanne avatar

    Hele saken er helt absurd etter min mening. Jeg har født og jeg kan si at man gjør en mengde urasjonelle ting som man vanligvis ikke gjør i sin «urtilstand». Mine greier var å skremme vannet av en barnepleier jeg aldri så igjen og forsøk på å sparke jordmoren i kampens hete. Det hører med til historien at jeg ba om unnskyldning etterpå 🙂 Vel, konklusjonen må være at den fødende har alltid rett – uansett jordmor.

    Hanne’s last blog post..Plutselig var babyen min 13 år

  10. Ugly American avatar
    Ugly American

    You know people of Norwegian descent that live in the US midwest are dumbest critters you’ll ever meet; BUT you Norwegians living in Norway are smarter, almost normal-like. You know why that is? I think Norwegians get lots of good Omega 3 fatty acids and DHEA from all that north sea fish y’all eat. But dumb-son-of-bitches american midwestern cousins don’t get any and they is DUMB! Watch the movie ‘Fargo’ and Y’all understand what I’m talking about. BTW whos cares about the stupid devil worshipping womans thats wants to swears when havings hers baby.

  11. eva avatar

    Folksomt med amerikanere her inne? Må være ny rekord…

    1. oyvind avatar

      Hehe ja, jeg har en del lesere i USA. Denne posten var populær i sin tid. Morsomt at det dropper innom folk igjen.

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