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Wordless Wednessday – Snow is back|Ordløs onsdag – Snøen er tilbake

4 kommentarer til “Wordless Wednessday – Snow is back|Ordløs onsdag – Snøen er tilbake”
Happy WW! I love this photo. We don’t get much snow in California, and I really miss these kinds of days.
PS: Thanks for stopping by!
Black on Campus’s last blog post..McWhorter Watch: Black Political Writers Square Off Over Obama’s Effect on Black Kids
nice shot. i wish there is snow in the philippines.
thanks for dropping by my WW entries a lupusurvivor.com and blipbit.com
milet’s last blog post..WW : Windmill
Snow is back, and it looks beautiful in your picture!
Thanks for dropping by
Gabriel’s last blog post..WW#66 – Tubing
hi Øyvind,
Great photo! I grew up where it snowed in the winter, but it doesn’t snow where I live now. I miss the snow sometimes. The snow in the trees in your photo is beautiful. It looks very peaceful and quiet, except for the car coming. 🙂 ~ Steve, the trade show guruSteve, trade show guru’s last blog post..Trade Show Zombies
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