Wordless Wednesday – Out fishing|Ordløs onsdag – På fisketur

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2 kommentarer til “Wordless Wednesday – Out fishing|Ordløs onsdag – På fisketur”

  1. Steve, trade show guru avatar

    hi Øyvind,
    I can see a lot of fishing poles. Did you or anyone on the boat catch any fish, and what kind of fish?
    The only thing I usually catch when I go fishing is a couple of beers, but that’s OK! ~ Steve, the trade show guru

    Steve, trade show guru’s last blog post..Trade Show Booth Display Design Secrets

  2. oyvind avatar

    Hi Steve! We were about 20 kids and 6 adults. 🙂 I think we got about 12 of them, small ones. Not many but the kids enjoyed the trip. (a kind of sport school trip)

    We caught mostly Coalfish (Saithe or Coley), we call it Pale. Not the most fun fish to catch but..

    Her is some of the catch 🙂

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