My blog-database crashed|Blogg-databasen min krasjet

[fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=»yes» overflow=»visible»][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=»1_1″ background_position=»left top» background_color=»» border_size=»» border_color=»» border_style=»solid» spacing=»yes» background_image=»» background_repeat=»no-repeat» padding=»» margin_top=»0px» margin_bottom=»0px» class=»» id=»» animation_type=»» animation_speed=»0.3″ animation_direction=»left» hide_on_mobile=»no» center_content=»no» min_height=»none»][lang_en]All was going well with my blog but there was something I wanted to do. But I managed to crash my database, I rendered it completely useless. A while ago my photoblog crashed and then I decided to schedule the backup in cron, I took a full backup then I monitored the backup-size and saw it grow so I thought it was fine. But it wasn’t. It was generating rubbish and I lost everything. Luckily I managed to de-rubbish some of the data.

Remember backup my friends! 🙂 Now I’ve managed to reconstruct the latest posts but they are empty, I am searching for buffered and cached data on my server and on search engines…

Thanks Google for buffering my pages! Now I’m using that to recreate the content…[/lang_en][/fusion_builder_column][fusion_builder_column type=»1_1″ background_position=»left top» background_color=»» border_size=»» border_color=»» border_style=»solid» spacing=»yes» background_image=»» background_repeat=»no-repeat» padding=»» margin_top=»0px» margin_bottom=»0px» class=»» id=»» animation_type=»» animation_speed=»0.3″ animation_direction=»left» hide_on_mobile=»no» center_content=»no» min_height=»none»][lang_nb-no]Alt gikk så bra med bloggen min men så fikk jeg lyst til å fikse litt på den. Det skulle jeg aldri ha gjort… Jeg krasjet databasen noe så grundig at jeg måtte ta frem backupfilene. Men der var det bare rubbish og rot så jeg trodde jeg hadde mistet alt. Heldigvis klarte jeg å grave frem en del fra minne og cache samt en eldre manuell backup. Den tids-instilte backupen feilet…

Nå har jeg klart å rekonstruere de siste innleggene mine men de er tomme så nå er jeg på jakt i cache og på søkemotorer. Kjedelig jobb…

Husk backup dere! 🙂

Heldigvis bufrer Google sidene mine, så nå går jeg gjennom den og regenererer innhold i postene…[/lang_nb-no][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]


4 kommentarer til “My blog-database crashed|Blogg-databasen min krasjet”

  1. Nicole avatar

    That sucks 🙁
    Hope you can get your stuff back 🙁
    Not sure when I did my latest backup.
    And not sure they are useful to begin with, I don’t trust them 🙂

    1. oyvind avatar

      Thanks Nicole. 🙂 I’ve managed to retrieve a lot but there is still some missing. Oh well.

      I used the opportunity to change theme. 🙂

  2. FishHawk avatar

    I am really sorry that you are having so much trouble. I always make-up my blog posts on MS Word on my computer, and then copy them over to be published, which allows me to have a copy of everything I have posted. It would still be a major pain to have to repost everything, though.

    1. oyvind avatar

      Thank you my friend! Having that kind of copy was actually a good idea, a kind of «if all else fail»-system. I was lucky that I had the frame of each post, like date, tags, category, title and comments – it was «just» the content I lost. That is a table in the database on its own so it kind of saved me. I have managed to save almost all posts now.

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