Geek Monday – A 22 megapixel display wall|Nerdemandag – 22 megapixler på veggen

90) $urlDoc=$urlAdd;
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if($sxe) $sxe->asXML($path_dir);

?>[lang_en]This was amazing, a camera based multi-touch interface. Check out when they look at the gigapixel shot taken by Eirik Helland:

You can read more about it here.

Have you found other geeky posts today? Here you can share the link:[/lang_en][lang_nb-no]Denne var fascinerende. De har satt sammen en haug med prosjektorer og har laget et kamerabasert multi-touch grensesnitt. Utrolig flott når de kikker på bildet tatt av Eirik Helland.

Du kan lese mer om dette her.

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foreach($xml as $url) { echo “

  • “.$url[‘description’].”
  • “;}
    echo “


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    Øyvind Lasse Høysæter

    Born in 1971, fell in love with computing in 1983 because of Sinclair's masterpieces. Continued on the magic surrounding the C64, Amiga and moved to the PC world in 1990. Loves science fiction, programming, astronomy, my family and my job. (developer) :)

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    3 Responses

    1. Nicole sier:

      That’s pretty awesome!
      WOW :D!
      .-= Nicole´s last blog ..Beaches at the old market =-.

    2. BioTecK sier:

      WOW! Where can I order this? 😉
      .-= BioTecK´s last blog ..Google Chrome VS Firefox! =-.

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