Nerd Monday – Halloween costume|Nerdemandag – Halloween kostyme

[lang_en]This one is a bit old but I think it cannot be repeated enough times, this is Evan Booth’s halloween costume for a contest a while ago:

Link to Evan: SkoobyCattle[/lang_en][lang_nb-no]Denne er ikke helt ny men jeg synes den er så bra at den fortjener å bli repetert, det er Evan Booths halloween kostyme til en konkurranse for en stund siden. Den filmer bak ham og viser dette på en skjerm foran:

Tenkte det passet litt med tiden vi går inn i nå.

Link til Evan: SkoobyCattle[/lang_nb-no]

Øyvind Lasse Høysæter

Born in 1971, fell in love with computing in 1983 because of Sinclair's masterpieces. Continued on the magic surrounding the C64, Amiga and moved to the PC world in 1990. Loves science fiction, programming, astronomy, my family and my job. (developer) :)

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2 Responses

  1. Chinaren sier:

    That’s awesome! I want!

  2. American Idiot sier:

    Haha, that’s awesome !
    .-= American Idiot´s last blog ..Swine Flu is hitting too close to home… =-.

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