Top of the world|På toppen


We’re back from a long weekend tour to the mountain hut were we had lovely weather and perfect skiing conditions, what a trip. It started out well with amazing high snow over the mountain passage, our car became small compared to it :

Sunday was a bit windy but when the sun showed up we got amazing conditions, its hard to capture this on a cellphone. Dunes of white snow :

We didn’t go to the top this day since the strong wind kept suprising us with dark clouds and short sight, it was amazing to watch the snow blow past us as if there was a giant vacum nearby.

On monday the weather finally permitted us to go to the top we were trying to reach Gongefjellet (on about 950 meters). The view was breathtaking.

On the top of the world :

Vi er tilbake fra en langweekend på fjellet hvor vi hadde flott vær og perfekte skiforhold, for en herlig tur. Det begynte bra med høye brøytekanter over fjellet, bilen vår ble liten i forhold :

Søndag blåste det en del men når solen tittet fram fikk vi utrolig flotte forhold, det er vanskelig å fange slikt med et mobilkamera. Dyner av hvit snø :

Vi kom oss ikke på toppen denne dagen siden vinden stadig overrasket oss og dro med seg mørke skyer og dårlig sikt, det var utrolig artig å se snøen blåse langs bakken, skulle tro det var en gigantisk støvsuger i nærheten.

På mandag tillot været oss å endelig nå toppen av Gongefjellet (på ca 950 meter). Utsikten var fantastisk.

På toppen :



6 kommentarer til “Top of the world|På toppen”

  1. A. avatar

    I think you’ll find Africa a little different 😉

  2. Nicole avatar

    Simply wow!
    I’m not sure I could take the cold for too long anymore though.

  3. fragileheart avatar

    Amazing photos!! Thanks for sharing!

  4. sameer avatar

    great snaps, and photos, if you want to see the mountain and its natural beauty than its been your destination, Welcome to top of the world
    in Nepal.

  5. manilenya avatar

    I love the photos too 🙂

    thanks for adding me to your technorati fave…I added you back already and I want you to know that I tagged you for Technorati Authority Viral linking 🙂


  6. Deimos Tel`Arin avatar

    Totally awesome screenies yo!

    Which mountain did you go to aye? 😉

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