Pia not welcome in USA|Pia ikke velkommen til USA

[fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=»yes» overflow=»visible»][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=»1_1″ background_position=»left top» background_color=»» border_size=»» border_color=»» border_style=»solid» spacing=»yes» background_image=»» background_repeat=»no-repeat» padding=»» margin_top=»0px» margin_bottom=»0px» class=»» id=»» animation_type=»» animation_speed=»0.3″ animation_direction=»left» hide_on_mobile=»no» center_content=»no» min_height=»none»][lang_en]
Do you remember Pia Haraldsen when she interviewed James Oddo? In the middle of the interview Oddo became aware where this was going and made a complete fool of himself. Check out the video below.

She were supposed to cover the election but a few days ago she were denied visa to USA. When I first heard that TV2 in Norway were sending her to cover the election as their correspondant abroad I thought it was a joke. Apparently not, but her work kind of is a joke because it was the entertainment department of TV2 that were sending her over.

She is well known for her satire and James Oddo is only one of many victim of her play. USA apparently see this as a threat to the national security.

Pia graduated from Goldsmiths College i London and holds an international press card, this didn’t help much though.

You can follow her blog here. Its in Norwegian though but there is a funny video. She describes her meeting at the American embassy, talking to an angry lesbian lady. Her application where denied by Homeland Security.

The Oddo interview :

This one is awsome as well, when she intervies UN’s director :

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Husker du da Pia Haraldsen intervjuet James Oddo? I midten av intervjuet forsto Oddo hva det gikk i, og fikk et raseriutbrudd uten like, og dummet seg forferdelig ut. Pia ble ganske berømt i USA for dette og ble invitert bort av alskens tvstasjoner. Sjekk ut videoen under.

Pia skulle egentlig dekke valget, men fikk nylig avslag på visum-søknaden hennes. Når jeg først hørte at TV 2 skulle sende henne over som utenrikskorrespondent så trodde jeg først det var en spøk. På en måte er det vel det, siden det er TV 2 Underholdning som skulle sende henne.

Jeg må si at jeg liker hennes satire, men det gjør tydeligvis ikke våre kjære amerikanske venner, spesielt Amerikas Homeland Security, departementet for nasjonal sikkerhet. Det var de som ikke anbefalte visum.

Pia gikk ved Goldsmiths College i London, er medlem av Norsk Journalistlag og har internasjonalt pressekort. Men det hjalp tydeligvis ikke, den lesbiske damen (i følge Pia) ved den amerikanske ambasade mente at hun ikke var en ekte journalist. Les litt om dette her.

Oddo intervjuet :

Denne er morsom også :



6 kommentarer til “Pia not welcome in USA|Pia ikke velkommen til USA”

  1. Margaret avatar

    Gosh! She must really be dangerous for HS to deny her a VISA! I can’t imagine them denying her just because she satirizes public figures — if we did that, we would have to deport Tina Fey.


  2. Cecilia avatar

    I love the imperfections in your English and I swear I can hear your accent when I read you words. I don’t really care of the Hayden Penettiere look alike gets in or out or on or around… but I agree with Margaret… Harsh…

  3. oyvind avatar

    Thanks for the comments Margaret and Cecilia. I can understand why people get mad at her for wasting their time, but refusing her visa is a bit though. 🙂

    Cecilia I am so embarrased by my english.. But I am very glad you take it that way. Some people thumb me down for poor english. 🙂

    1. Funny Obama Pictures avatar
      Funny Obama Pictures

      Don’t get your English Skill worry you, we Americans are behind linguistically, most Europeans know at least 2 languages fluently. Thumbs up. As for the US denying entry, typical.
      .-= Funny Obama Pictures´s last blog ..Obama’s Ghetto Boom Box =-.

  4. Cecilia avatar

    I wouldn’t have you any other way. I have a good friend in Belgium… and I understand him better than most Americans…

    This is a hard language. You are nearly perfect. Perfection is entirely too overrated…

  5. LeX avatar

    Excellent article, thanks!

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