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Before going to a birthday party today we spent some time on Monsamarken (Mons’ field) having fun on sleds. Our litle one enjoyed sitting on them sliding down the hills, she smiled wide all the way – it was her first time on sleds. I love to watch kids play in snow, its like they blossom in a special way. Its energygiving to watch.
The Monsamarken is an endangered spot, like many green spots in Norway. We try to use it as much as we can, it might be built on one day. There is an ongoing project but luckily lots of local people resist. Its kind of our last spot where we can use sleds near us.
Since the 1600s the field were owned by farmers, the spot originally belonged to a large farm Eid, later it were sold in pieces and we now how stories go then. I’ll try to get a wide picture of it one day.
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Før vi gikk i familiebesøk i dag trasket vi bort til Monsamarken for å ake litt, minstemann koste seg veldig – hennes første aketur. Hun var herlig der hun satt og gliste.
Vi prøver å besøke Monsamarken så ofte vi kan, siden det er mange som vil bygge på den. Det er vel den siste grønne flekken igjen på Tertnes tenker jeg. Jeg håper de aldri kommer til å bygge den ut, det er den siste flekken fra den store gården Eid på 1600-tallet.
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