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Wordless Wednesday – ice clearing|Ordløs onsdag – snømåking

4 kommentarer til “Wordless Wednesday – ice clearing|Ordløs onsdag – snømåking”
I’m really not sure I could do winters!
Clearing Ice from the pavements is elderly peoples must,
It fascinates me that people can live so well here up in the high North during the long winters..
Thanks to modern technology like electricity, heating, infrastructure, warm houses, good clothing and optimisme.Happy New Year
Godt nytt år
PS. hyggelig å møte norske bloggere på WW
TorAa Mirror’s last blog post..Wordless Wednesday – 2009-01-07
hi Øyvind,
I saw your comment over at the Junk Drawer.
Anyway, your photo reminds me of a funny TV commercial video that I saw a few years ago. I think the company in the video is from Norway, so maybe you’ve seen it. Here’s the link (if it works):
I haven’t thought about that video in a long time, but now I think I might just write a blog post about it.
Steve, aka the trade show guruSteve, trade show guru’s last blog post..My Wife is Famous
Hi Steve thanks for visiting! 🙂 I love that commercial, poor guy.
Nice blog you have btw!
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