What is our 80’s heroes doing now?|Hva gjør våre helter fra 80-tallet nå?

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I was curious how some of my favourite bands of the 80’s were doing these days and did some searching. I was surprised to see how many of them that are still active.

Some have faded away and some have changed names but many of them are still producing music and tours. I have a feeling that I’ve forgotten some of them, so if you remember some that I haven’t searched for please let me know.

It was fun to see how different their websites are, some have genious design while others have more design than usability. Many of the ones who have useless sites have a text like ‘Site design is being updated», but I think that was there for a few years.

Heres what I found :

Celebrating 20th anniversary of a-ha’s first appearance on the Billboard Hot 100 with a new album. http://www.a-ha.com.

Bryan Adams
Doing concerts in US, shooting photos of celebrities, tapes CMT Crossroads episode. http://www.bryanadams.com/

Doing concerts, but cancels, latest album in 2008. http://www.alphaville.de

Adam Ant
Not much activity, sometimes online at http://www.adam-ant.net/.

Doing lots of touring with YES, released album last year. Visited Europe this spring. http://www.originalasia.com/

Touring US, concerts almost every day. Released Funplex last year. http://theb52s.com/

Soon to release a single!? Last release 2003. http://www.bananaramauk.com/

Doing concerts on the East Coast of US. http://www.thebangles.com/

Doing lots of shows, concert in Brooklyn. Latest release was a 30th Anniversary album 2008. http://www.blondie.net

Bon Jovi
Not much action on http://www.bonjovi.com/ . Last album 2007.

David Bowie
Tending a Freddie Mercury Tribute Concert May 2nd. http://www.davidbowie.com

Boys Don’t Cry
Some touring, new album 2009. http://www.iwannabeacowboy.net/

Not active. Though lead vocal David Glasper is somewhat active on Myspace with a few new demos. http://www.myspace.com/davidglasper

Belinda Carlisle
Is in studio recording a new album for 2010. Doing concerts this spring and summer. http://www.belindacarlisle.tv/

Active on MySpace : http://www.myspace.com/thecarsunlocked

Tracy Chapman
Did a tour 2008. http://www.tracychapman.com/

Phil Collins
Not very active, his site at http://www.philcollins.co.uk/ is down.

Active doing lots of appearances in US and UK. Playing at Great Falls, MT as I write this. http://www.commodoreslive.com/

Elvis Costello
Doing shows in US, releasing digital albums. http://www.elviscostello.com

Christopher Cross
Doing lots of shows and concerts in US, South America. Released an album 2008. http://www.christophercross.com/ Semiactive on Myspace : http://www.myspace.com/christophercrossmusic

Crowded House
Doing shows. http://www.crowdedhouse.com

Culture Club
No activity on http://www.culture-club.co.uk/ Boy George did some tours in 2008. New site : http://www.boygeorgelive.com/

The Cure
Did some touring 2008, new blu-ray release 2009. http://www.thecure.com/

Cutting Crew
Touring 2009. New myspace. http://www.myspace.com/cuttingcrewmusic

Terence Trent D’Arby
Now Sananda Maitreya, active on http://www.sanandamaitreya.com

Chris DeBurgh
Touring a lot 2009. Released an album 2008. http://www.cdeb.com/

Depeche Mode
In the studio working these days. Touring a lot. Released an album 2009. http://www.depechemode.com

Dire Straits
Mark Knopfler is active at http://www.markknopfler.com/ Touring US 2009.

Duran Duran
Touring a lot 2009. Released an album on vinyl 2009, all sold out. http://www.duranduran.com

Touring 2009, US, Sweden, Norway, Finland. http://www.eaglesband.com

Sheena Easton
Did some concerts in 2008. Not much activity 2009. http://sheenaeaston.com

Electric Light Orchestra
http://www.elomusic.com/ Kelly died this february. Latest album release 2007.

Active at http://www.enya.com/ doing some tvshows. Released an album 2008.

Active at http://www.europetheband.com/ Doing tours 2009. New album 2009. Struggled with fake video on YouTube.

Not much activity on http://www.eurythmics.com/ Annie is active on http://www.annielennox.com/ new collection album 2009. Dave is active on http://www.davestewart.com/

Fine Young Cannibals
Last album in 2006.

Fleetwood Mac
Touring the US 2009. http://www.fleetwoodmac.com/ New site coming up soon.

John Fogerty
Touring The US and Europe 2009. http://www.johnfogerty.com Latest release 2007.

Doing tours 2009. http://www.foreigneronline.com/

Peter Gabriel
Active at http://www.petergabriel.com/ Touring 2009.

Did some tours 2008. John Mayhew passed away april 22nd 2009.

Debbie Gibson
Active at http://www.deborah-gibson.com/ Doing shows.

Lou Gramm
Active at http://www.lougramm.com/ Releasing a cd May 30th. 2009

Eddy Grant
Active on http://www.eddygrant.com/site/main.html Doing tours.

Grateful Dead
Active on http://www.dead.net/ doing tours 2009

Guns N’ Roses
Active at http://www.newgnr.com/newgnr.html

Active at http://www.heart-music.com/ Doing tours 2009.

Active at http://www.thehooters.net/ doing tours 2009.

Billy Idol
http://billyidol.net/ Did some touring 2008.

Active at http://www.inxs.com/ new site coming up soon.

Billy Joel
Currently touring with Elton John. http://www.billyjoel.com/. Released a double cd in 2008.

Nik Kershaw
Active at http://www.nikkershaw.net/ doing shows 2009.

Kool & the Gang
Active at http://www.koolandthegang.com/ doing concerts 2009.

Cyndi Lauper
Active at http://www.cyndilauper.com touring US and Europe 2009. Latest release 2008.

Julian Lennon
Active on Myspace http://www.myspace.com/julianlennon while site is refurnished.

Level 42
Active at http://www.level42.com/ They too are refurnishing their site. Touring a bit 2009.

Huey Lewis & the News
Active at http://www.hln.org Touring 2009

Bette Midler
Active at http://www.bettemidler.com Latest release 2008

Midnight Oil
Doing some shows http://www.midnightoil.com/

Sinéad O’Connor
Active at http://www.sineadoconnor.com/ doing shows 2009

Dolly Parton
Site http://www.dollyparton.com/ is coming 2009.

Pet Shop Boys
New album release May 2009. In US only. http://www.petshopboys.co.uk

Robert Plant
Did lots of tours 2008. http://www.robertplant.com/

Active at http://www.thepretenders.com/

Latest release 2008. http://www.roxette.se/

Touring 2009. http://www.the-scorpions.com

Paul Simon
Performing some in 2009. http://www.paulsimon.com/

Simple Minds
Performancing 2009. http://www.simpleminds.com/

Simply Red
Tours 2009 http://www.simplyred.com/

Spandau Ballet
Tours 2009 http://www.spandauballet.com/

Spin Doctors
Toured 2008 http://www.spindoctors.com/

Rick Springield
Tours 2009 http://www.rickspringfield.com/

Bruce Springsteen
Tours 2009 http://www.brucespringsteen.net

Tours 2009 http://www.sting.com/

Tours 2009 http://www.styxworld.com/

Not much activity http://www.supertramp.com/home.html

Donna Summer
New cd 2009. http://www.donnasummer.com/

Talking Heads
Performancing some 2009 http://www.talking-heads.nl/

Doing lots of concerts 2009. http://www.tpau.co.uk/

Tina Turner
Touring Europe 2009. http://www.tinaturnerlive.com/

Twisted Sister
Doing festivals. http://www.twistedsister.com/

Bonnie Tyler
Working on a new release 2009. Did some concerts in 2008. http://www.bonnietyler.com/

Tours a lot 2009. http://www.ub40-dep.com/

Tracey Ullman
Doing tvshows 2009. http://traceyullman.tk/

Tours Europe and US 2009. http://www.u2.com/

Van Halen
Designs sneakers. http://www.van-halen.com/news.html

Suzanne Vega
Doing some concerts. Active on her blog http://web.me.com/suzannevega/SuzanneVega.com/Blog/Blog.html

Tours 2009 http://www.yesworld.com/

Paul Young
Latest album 2008. http://www.paul-young.com/

ZZ Top
Tours 2009 http://www.zztop.com/index.php
[/lang_en][/fusion_builder_column][fusion_builder_column type=»1_1″ background_position=»left top» background_color=»» border_size=»» border_color=»» border_style=»solid» spacing=»yes» background_image=»» background_repeat=»no-repeat» padding=»» margin_top=»0px» margin_bottom=»0px» class=»» id=»» animation_type=»» animation_speed=»0.3″ animation_direction=»left» hide_on_mobile=»no» center_content=»no» min_height=»none»][lang_nb-no]

Jeg var nysgjerrig på hvordan det gikk med en del av mine favorittband fra 80-tallet og satte i gang litt søkig. Det var ikke helt lett å fine deres sider, enkelte av fan-sidene fungerer faktisk bedre enn den offentlige siden.
Jeg ble overrasket over hvor mange av dem som fremdeles er aktiv.

Noen har forsvunnet og andre har forandret navn, mange av dem lager fortsatt musikk og gjør turneer. Det er nok en del jeg har glemt, fid om du kan gi meg noen tips.

Det var morsomt å se hvor forskjellige websidene deres er, noen har fantastisk design og brukervennlighet mens andre har kun satset på design, enkelte av dem var ubrukelige.

Her er hva jeg fant :

Nytt album 2009, feirier 20 år siden Billboard Hot 100. http://www.a-ha.com.

Bryan Adams
Gjør konserter i USA, tar bilder av kjendiser, spiller inn CMT Crossroads episode. http://www.bryanadams.com/

Gjør konserter, men kansellerer, seneste album i 2008. http://www.alphaville.de

Adam Ant
Ikke mye aktivitet, av og til online på http://www.adam-ant.net/.

Gjør mye turninger med YES, slapp album i fjor. Besøker Europa i vår. http://www.originalasia.com/

Turneringer i USA, konserter nesten hver dag. slapp Funplex i fjor. http://theb52s.com/

Snart en ny single!? Siste slipp 2003. http://www.bananaramauk.com/

Gjør konserter på østkysten av USA. http://www.thebangles.com/

Gjør mange shows, konsert i Brooklyn. Seneste slipp var et 30års jubileumsalbum 2008. http://www.blondie.net

Bon Jovi
Ikke mye som skjer på http://www.bonjovi.com/ . Last album 2007.

David Bowie
Var med på Freddie Mercury Tribute Konsert 2. mai. http://www.davidbowie.com

Boys Don’t Cry
Noen turningeringer, nytt album 2009. http://www.iwannabeacowboy.net/

Ikke aktive. Men vokalisten David Glasper er aktive på Myspace med nye demos. http://www.myspace.com/davidglasper

Belinda Carlisle
Er i studio for å spille inn nytt album for 2010. Gjør konserter denne våren og sommeren. http://www.belindacarlisle.tv/

Aktive på MySpace : http://www.myspace.com/thecarsunlocked

Tracy Chapman
Gjorde en turnering 2008. http://www.tracychapman.com/

Phil Collins
Ikke veldig aktiv, websidene på http://www.philcollins.co.uk/ er nede.

Aktiv med mange prosjekter i USA og UK. http://www.commodoreslive.com/

Elvis Costello
Gjør shows i USA og slipper digitale album på http://www.elviscostello.com

Christopher Cross
Masse shows og konserter i USA, Sør-Afrika. Slapp et album i 2008. http://www.christophercross.com/ SemiAktiv på Myspace : http://www.myspace.com/christophercrossmusic

Crowded House
Gjør shows. http://www.crowdedhouse.com

Culture Club
Ingen aktivitet på http://www.culture-club.co.uk/ Boy George turnerte litt i 2008. Hans nettsted : http://www.boygeorgelive.com/

The Cure
Noen turneer i, ny blu-ray release 2009. http://www.thecure.com/

Cutting Crew
Touring 2009. Nytt myspace. http://www.myspace.com/cuttingcrewmusic

Terence Trent D’Arby
Nå Sananda Maitreya, Aktiv på http://www.sanandamaitreya.com

Chris DeBurgh
Touring 2009. slapp an album 2008. http://www.cdeb.com/

Depeche Mode
I studio med mange prosjekter 2009. Turneer. slapp et album 2009. http://www.depechemode.com

Dire Straits
Mark Knopfler er aktiv på http://www.markknopfler.com/ Touring USA 2009.

Duran Duran
Touring 2009. slapp et album på vinyl 2009, utsolgt på kort tid. http://www.duranduran.com

Touring 2009, USA, Sverige, Norge, Finland. http://www.eaglesband.com

Sheena Easton
Konserter i 2008. Ikke mye aktivitet 2009. http://sheenaeaston.com

Electric Light Orchestra
http://www.elomusic.com/ Kelly falt bort i Februar. seneste album release 2007.

Aktive på http://www.enya.com/ TVshows. slapp et album 2008.

Aktive på http://www.europetheband.com/ tours 2009. Nytt album 2009.

Ikke mye aktivitet på http://www.eurythmics.com/ Annie er aktiv på http://www.annielennox.com/ new collection album 2009. Dave er aktiv på http://www.davestewart.com/

Fine Young Cannibals
Seneste album i 2006.

Fleetwood Mac
Touring USA 2009. http://www.fleetwoodmac.com/ Nytt nettsted kommer opp snart.

John Fogerty
Touring USA og Europa 2009. http://www.johnfogerty.com Seneste slipp 2007.

Tours 2009. http://www.foreigneronline.com/

Peter Gabriel
Aktiv på http://www.petergabriel.com/ Touring 2009.

Noen turneer i 2008. John Mayhew gikk bort 22. april 2009.

Debbie Gibson
Aktiv på http://www.deborah-gibson.com/ Shows.

Lou Gramm
Aktiv på http://www.lougramm.com/ Ny cd i Mai 2009.

Eddy Grant
Aktiv på http://www.eddygrant.com/site/main.html Turneer.

Grateful Dead
Aktive på http://www.dead.net/ Tours 2009

Guns N’ Roses
Aktive på http://www.newgnr.com/newgnr.html

Aktive på http://www.heart-music.com/ Gjør turneer 2009.

Aktive på http://www.thehooters.net/ Gjør turneer 2009.

Billy Idol
http://billyidol.net/ Did some touring 2008.

Aktive på http://www.inxs.com/ new site coming up soon.

Billy Joel
Turnerer for tiden med Elton John. http://www.billyjoel.com/. slapp dobbel-cd i 2008.

Nik Kershaw
Aktive på http://www.nikkershaw.net/ doing shows 2009.

Kool & the Gang
Aktive på http://www.koolandthegang.com/ Gjør konserter 2009.

Cyndi Lauper
Aktive på http://www.cyndilauper.com touring USA and Europa 2009. Seneste slipp 2008.

Julian Lennon
Aktive on Myspace http://www.myspace.com/julianlennon while site is refurnished.

Level 42
Aktive på http://www.level42.com/ They too are refurnishing their site. Touring a bit 2009.

Huey Lewis & the News
Aktive på http://www.hln.org Touring 2009

Bette Midler
Aktive på http://www.bettemidler.com Seneste slipp 2008

Midnight Oil
Doing some shows http://www.midnightoil.com/

Sinéad O’Connor
Aktive på http://www.sineadoconnor.com/ doing shows 2009

Dolly Parton
Site http://www.dollyparton.com/ is coming 2009.

Pet Shop Boys
New album release May 2009. i USA only. http://www.petshopboys.co.uk

Robert Plant
Did lots of tours 2008. http://www.robertplant.com/

Aktive på http://www.thepretenders.com/

Seneste slipp 2008. http://www.roxette.se/

Touring 2009. http://www.the-scorpions.com

Paul Simon
Opptrer litt i 2009. http://www.paulsimon.com/

Simple Minds
Opprer 2009. http://www.simpleminds.com/

Simply Red
Turneer 2009 http://www.simplyred.com/

Spandau Ballet
Turneer 2009 http://www.spandauballet.com/

Spin Doctors
Turnerte 2008 http://www.spindoctors.com/

Rick Springield
Turneer 2009 http://www.rickspringfield.com/

Bruce Springsteen
Turneer 2009 http://www.brucespringsteen.net

Turneer 2009 http://www.sting.com/

Turneer 2009 http://www.styxworld.com/

Ikke mye aktivitet http://www.supertramp.com/home.html

Donna Summer
Ny cd 2009. http://www.donnasummer.com/

Talking Heads
Opptrer litt i 2009 http://www.talking-heads.nl/

Masse konserter 2009. http://www.tpau.co.uk/

Tina Turner
Turneer Europa 2009. http://www.tinaturnerlive.com/

Twisted Sister
Festivaler. http://www.twistedsister.com/

Bonnie Tyler
Jobber med ny release 2009. Gjorde noen konserter i 2008. http://www.bonnietyler.com/

En mengde turneer 2009. http://www.ub40-dep.com/

Tracey Ullman
Gjør tvshows 2009. http://traceyullman.tk/

Turneer i Europa og USA 2009. http://www.u2.com/

Van Halen
Designer sneakers. http://www.van-halen.com/news.html

Suzanne Vega
Gjør noen konserter. Aktiv på bloggen hennes http://web.me.com/suzannevega/SuzanneVega.com/Blog/Blog.html

Turneer 2009 http://www.yesworld.com/

Paul Young
seneste album 2008. http://www.paul-young.com/

ZZ Top
Turneer 2009 http://www.zztop.com/index.php


11 kommentarer til “What is our 80’s heroes doing now?|Hva gjør våre helter fra 80-tallet nå?”

  1. Madam Stan - Ant Lib Online avatar

    Hey there!
    Cool blog post – very informative!
    Adam Ant himself might not be up to much at the moment but his fans definitely are! We have a tribute night up in Doncaster, UK this Saturday and of course there’s the annual London convention, this year on 7 November.
    Oh and there’s a book on the way too!
    Drop us a line for details!

  2. Ken Armstrong avatar

    I sat beside Adam Ant at the cinema one night (back in the late 80’s) The film was Kiss of The Spider Woman.

    Isn’t Boy George in jail? (allegedly) I think so…

    Interesting list.

    1. oyvind avatar

      Hi Ken 🙂 Did you get his autograph? 🙂 Or vise versa?

      BG is in jail?? I have to check it out, but I guess I wont add it in the list, not only him is in jail these days. 🙂 Artists from the 80s I mean.

  3. Ken Fields avatar
    Ken Fields

    What about Billy Joel? He wasn’t on the list, but was probably one of the top 10 biggest acts in the 1980’s…

    1. oyvind avatar

      Thanks! I added Billy Joel, a must in the list. 🙂

  4. Phil H avatar
    Phil H

    Great list. Thanks for posting it. I»m pretty sure Robert Palmer died of a heart
    attack in 2003.

    1. oyvind avatar

      Ouch that was embarrassing, thanks for letting me know.

  5. fu man avatar
    fu man

    robert palmer is dead

  6. Margaret avatar

    Gosh! I didn’t realize how many of these bands/artists I would recognize being the old fogie that I am, but there are a bunch! Wasn’t the ’80’s when Wings was most active?? I can’t remember. I need to take my ginkgo biloba.

  7. Monica avatar

    Oh my GOODNESS they are still alive and kickin’ some of them! 🙂 Great post!!

  8. oyvind avatar

    Boy George is now out of prison. 🙂

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