Skywatch Friday – Missing Table Mountain|Skywatch Fredag – Tenker tilbake på Table Mountain

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Table Mountain - South-Africa

Table Mountain - South-Africa

Table Mountain - South-Africa

Table Mountain - South-Africa

Table Mountain - South-Africa

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Table Mountain - South-Africa

Table Mountain - South-Africa

Table Mountain - South-Africa

Table Mountain - South-Africa

Table Mountain - South-Africa



7 kommentarer til “Skywatch Friday – Missing Table Mountain|Skywatch Fredag – Tenker tilbake på Table Mountain”

  1. Elisabeth's bright side avatar

    Fantastiske flotte bilder!
    .-= Elisabeth’s bright side´s last blog ..Sky Watch no 23 =-.

  2. Sandi Wahl avatar

    You have the absolute best photos on your blog! I really like the one where it looks like the clouds are spilling over the top of the mountain.
    .-= Sandi Wahl´s last blog ..The Rodeo Was Rained Out 🙁 =-.

  3. Lyndi avatar

    Isn’t it amazing that a piece of rock like this can become such a landmark. I am a South African but I do not come from Cape Town. I have mixed feelings about Table Mountain. Personally I feel it is just the tourists that have made this such a popular place. There are so many nicer things to see in the rest of the country. Great photos by the way.
    .-= Lyndi´s last blog ..Popular screen resolutions =-.

  4. oyvind avatar

    Hey Lyndi, I spent about two hours up there, I enjoyed it a lot mostly because of the view. And it looks great from the city.

    I was there a week and visited several places, I think I wrote about it once. South-Africa is amazing and beautiful. I met a lot of nice people there too. 🙂

  5. Carol avatar

    Now this is great! That is what I love to see. Wonderful pics of wonderful places. Good work!
    .-= Carol´s last blog ..SkyWatch Friday! =-.

  6. J Bar avatar

    Amazing places.
    Sydney – City and Suburbs
    .-= J Bar´s last blog ..Homebush Bay brickpit =-.

  7. muxin avatar

    Amazing view, in my country Indonesia there’s also a place called table mountain or «gunung meja» due to its flat top.. it’s always nice to see such natural miracle
    .-= muxin´s last blog ..X-Power iPhone Charging Cable With an Inline Battery =-.

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