Skywatch Friday – Wish I was up there|Skywatch Fredag – Gardermoen en ettermiddag

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9 kommentarer til “Skywatch Friday – Wish I was up there|Skywatch Fredag – Gardermoen en ettermiddag”

  1. Linda avatar

    You mean flying away from the approaching Norwegian winter, or sitting in the control tower? Either way, you’d have a great view of these clouds.
    .-= Linda´s last blog ..Skywatch Friday – Loch Tay =-.

    1. oyvind avatar

      I wished I was up there in the tower. 🙂 An hour later I was on the plane on my way to Bergen but it wasn’t easy to take good shots..

  2. Anne avatar

    Oh yes!! eller en litt mer hektisk flyplass kanskje :-))
    Utsikten er i alle fall sikkert ingenting å si på :-))
    .-= Anne´s last blog ..Sky Watch =-.

    1. oyvind avatar

      🙂 Takk for besøket Anne!

  3. Danton avatar

    A nice interesting sky. The flight must have been enjoyable.
    .-= Danton´s last blog ..Skywatch Friday =-.

    1. oyvind avatar

      Hey Danton! I loved your Blimp-shots.

  4. Sylvia Kirkwood avatar

    Gorgeous skies and the view from «up there» would be marvelous!

    Have a great weekend!

    .-= Sylvia Kirkwood´s last blog ..Why We Love Kids! =-.

  5. jam avatar

    Look like a big storm is coming!
    .-= jam´s last blog ..Photohunt: Upside-Down =-.

  6. J Bar avatar

    This is great.
    .-= J Bar´s last blog ..Liverpool railway station =-.

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