Polar Ocean ice free this summer|Polhavet isfritt til sommeren


Do you remember the reports talking about ice free arctic sea in 2040? And some horrific predictions calculating ice free summers in 2013? Guess what, most likely all of the experts were wrong.

Olav Orheim predicts ice free arctic sea this summer, from Siberia – the ice is thin now and it melts fast. This means that in August to September ordinary freight ships can save half the time using this route.

He points out that this is worrying since there are no disaster reduction measurements in these area. We know what happends when disasters strike fragile coasts – but we at least have some disaster reduction. The Arctic has 0. Who is willing to take the cost? If Olav Orheim is right, there isn’t much time.

When a small shipment company can save $200k on one tour, what can the major companies save?

Ships from the west coast of USA and southeastern Asia can save over 40% time going through the ice free arctic sea instead of the Panama channel.

Some might need reloading in northern Norway to tougher sihps before continuing, will the harbours be ready for this? I haven’t seen any plans out yet.

(Sources : Arctic Frontiers, NRK, Teknisk Ukeblad) (Norwegian)



Husker du rapportene som kunne fortelle oss at polhavet ville bli isfritt i 2040? Og noen skremmende rapporter i det siste kunne skilte med 2013? Mest sannsynlig tok alle feil.

Olav Orheim tipper at polhavet er isfritt til sommeren, fra Sibir – isen er så tynn at den smelter raskt. Dette betyr at i August og September så kan vanlige fraktskip spare halve tiden på å bruke denne ruten.

Dette mener han er alarmerende siden ingen har ansvar for katastrofeberedskap i disse områdene. Vi vet jo hva en stor oljekatastrofe ken gjør mot ømfintlige kyster. Vi har ivertfall noe beredskap men arktis har 0. Hvem er villig til å ta kosten? Om Olav Orheim har rett i sine spådommer så har vi ikke lange tiden å gjøre oss klar på.

Når et lite fraktselskap kan spare en mill på en reise, hva kan de store spare?

Skip fra vestskysten av USA og sørøstlige Asia kan spare over 40% av tiden ved å gå gjennom isfritt polhav istedet for å bruke Panamakanalen.

Noen av dem må sikkert laste om til mer solide skip i nord Norge før de fortsetter sin ferd, vil havnene i nord være klar for dette? Jeg har ikke sett noen form for planer ennå.

(Kilder : Arctic Frontiers, NRK, Teknisk Ukeblad)



6 kommentarer til “Polar Ocean ice free this summer|Polhavet isfritt til sommeren”

  1. Nicole avatar

    This is scary.
    But I’m afraid humankind will just roll with the greedyness once again and think (maybe) after catastrophes have happened 🙁

  2. vladimir avatar

    Have you guys watched a documentary called The Inconvenient Truth? I recommend it!

  3. oyvind avatar

    Hi Vladimir nice of you to stop by! Do you mean the documentary presented by Gore? I haven’t seen it yet but it is on my list. Nice article about the Wankel Engine by the way!

  4. Holly avatar

    Global warming is something to be taken insanely seriously, especially with these facts, yet there are so many people that still say it is Democratic propaganda, which is complete rubbish.

  5. Kent avatar


    Tremendously interesting story! Commerce usually wins out and without a governing body to enforce safety and disaster preparedness measures, it will just be a matter of time before there is a big problem. Of course, the larger problem is an ice-free Arctic in 2009!

  6. Zath avatar

    It’s things like this happening to the environment that is very scary, it’s not just the fact that it’s starting to happen, but it’s the speed at which it occurs once you reach a certain point.

    You definitely want to see An Inconvenient Truth, it really puts things in perspective!

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