Nicoles 1st Scavenger Hunt|Nicoles første Scavenger Hunt

[lang_en]I love it when Nicole challenge us or creates fun contests, this time it is Scavenger Hunt time! Check it out here. If you want to participate you have to hurry, you have to post the photos March 15th.

Voting has started! Please go to this link and vote 🙂

Here is my go for the hunt :

[/lang_en][lang_nb-no]Jeg synes det er moro når Nicole utfordrer oss eller lager morsomme konkurranser. Denne gangen har hun satt opp en Scavenger Hunt. Sjekk den ut her. Om du har lyst til å være med så må du forte deg, du må poste bildene den 15. mars.

Avstemning har startet! 🙂 Her kan du stemme :

Her er mine bidrag :



10 kommentarer til “Nicoles 1st Scavenger Hunt|Nicoles første Scavenger Hunt”

  1. Nicole avatar

    I want to visit Norway again.
    Thanks for playing along and for the beautiful shots!

    The Voting Poll is up too – send your people on over 🙂

  2. […] (Belgium) Mojo (USA) Macaholi (Kuwait) Clare (USA) BLOGitse (Egypt) Dan (USA) Scriber’s Web (USA) Øyvind (Norway) Kristi […]

  3. Chris avatar

    Nice job on the shots for the scavenger hunt!

    Chris’s last blog post..Scavenger Hunt: Knoxville

  4. Pamela avatar

    That bird is so colorful in the local wildlife shot.
    But, my favorite shot is the still life. Very well done!

    Pamela’s last blog post..A Recipe for Happiness

  5. Ballerina Girl avatar

    thanks for sharing a bit of Norway with us!

    Ballerina Girl’s last blog post..CANCELLED

  6. oyvind avatar

    Thanks for the comments! I loved Nicole’s setup, she created lots of nice tasks. The bird is from the Ardeidae family. I’m not sure what its called in English. Hegre. It had just swallowed a small fish when I captured the shot. Sorry for the bad quality, I had to use digital zoom. =/

  7. Kristi S avatar
    Kristi S

    Nice Job on the Photo Hunt!

  8. Mojo avatar

    I think of all of them, I like your sunrise the best. The hamster(?) would be in the running though. Wonderful job!

  9. marit avatar

    Flott laget,jeg har stemt på deg

  10. dekrit avatar

    I love the ducks, the bird, and your local nature, … and the sunrise.
    You have a beautiful environment.
    Thanks for sharing it.

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