Nice weatherservice|Fin værtjeneste

[lang_en]Today a newspaper tell us that we might have to wait a bit longer for the spring and that the minus degrees might come back. That is sad reading but in the article they link to a fun weather service. It works for abroad cities and places as well. Check it out here:[/lang_en][lang_nb-no]I dag skriver VG at våren lar vente på seg og at minusgradene snart kommer tilbake. Det er jo litt trist lesestoff men i artikkelen linker de til en artig værtjeneste jeg ikke har sett før. Den var kjempebra! Dataene ligner veldig på yr sine men kanskje de har samme kilder? Presentasjonen var ivertfall genial.

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Artikkelen: VG[/lang_nb-no]

Øyvind Lasse Høysæter

Born in 1971, fell in love with computing in 1983 because of Sinclair's masterpieces. Continued on the magic surrounding the C64, Amiga and moved to the PC world in 1990. Loves science fiction, programming, astronomy, my family and my job. (developer) :)

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