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Wordless Wednesday – Catacomb restaurant|Ordløs onsdag – klosterrestauranten

5 kommentarer til “Wordless Wednesday – Catacomb restaurant|Ordløs onsdag – klosterrestauranten”
I like this one. The bottles and the angles and the colors. Nice job.
.-= Beth F´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday ( October 7) =-. -
Wonderful photo – thanks for sharing.
I would so drink there!
.-= vange´s last blog ..All for a Marble =-. -
Great composition! Makes one want to visit!
.-= Snowcatcher´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday =-. -
Thanks guys. 🙂
Vange I think you’d love it, and after we had dinner we could write our signatures on the walls. 🙂
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